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Purpose of Instrument Education

Instrument education requires that the development of music theory, music history, musical notation and general musical culture should be handled with the same importance and seriousness. Music literacy is to provide full control of the instrument used with basic music education.
Benefits of Instrument Training

One of the most fun ways to socialize is to play an instrument. Also, learning and playing an instrument develops the musical ear and trains the brain.

Discipline is the most important factor in playing an instrument, constant practice and taking the time to learn an instrument. Trying to learn a musical instrument is a matter of self-confidence, being criticized at every stage and achieving success by taking these criticisms into account gives confidence. Playing an instrument is a good way to express the feelings you want to share but cannot share. It also distracts from negative thoughts and stress.

For individuals who have focusing problems, playing an instrument will be good, learning and playing an instrument is possible with a good focus.

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